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God will restore the glory through a people in prayer. That is why we are in persistent prayer, calling the nations to pray.

We don’t need complicated prayer strategies; we just need a people united in mind and heart who pray consistently

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PLEASE NOTE: This is the last Prayer Livestream for the year.



TIMES OF PRAYER AND TRIBULATION9 December '24 - Benjamin Ardé
00:00 / 28:02

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22 May, 2023 at 8 PM GMT + 2

Join us this Monday for our first podcast episode with guest speaker Rosana Ramacciotte. We will be discussing the Capitol riots earlier this year in Brazil and the effect on the local Church.

What is #Pray4theWorld?

What is #Pray4theWorld?

#Pray4theWorld is an international Christian prayer movement calling the world to be prayer aware. Monthly prayer material is distributed worldwide in various languages for free.


Arc™ Ministries oversees this initiative. #Pray4theWorld is a unique prayer movement because it provides Bible based teachings on living a prayer lifestyle.


True prayer is never an emotional reaction towards circumstances. Persistent prayer keeps us ready before a crisis comes. God prepares us ahead of time through His Word, His Spirit and prayer.

(1 Thes.5:17; 2 Tim 2:21; 1 Peter 1:13; Ps. 5:3; Heb 11:7; 2 Tim. 4:2; 1 Cor.14:8; Deut. 31:8) 

Are you ready?

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Reach the World

Partner with us to prepare God's people through Word-based prayer. #Pray4theWorld reaches people from all nations by using the media and continuously adding new translations. 


You are receiving your #Pray4theWorld material for free. A small donation, however, makes it possible for others to receive it too.


A donation of $1 can reach 3,000 people

...$5 can reach 15,000 people

...$10 can reach 30,000 people

...$50 can reach 150,000 people


and so forth.

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