God will restore the glory through a people in prayer. That is why we are in persistent prayer, calling the nations to pray.
We don’t need complicated prayer strategies; we just need a people united in mind and heart who pray consistently

What is #Pray4theWorld?
#Pray4theWorld is an international Christian prayer movement calling the world to be prayer aware. Monthly prayer material is distributed worldwide in various languages for free.
Arc™ Ministries oversees this initiative. #Pray4theWorld is a unique prayer movement because it provides Bible based teachings on living a prayer lifestyle.
True prayer is never an emotional reaction towards circumstances. Persistent prayer keeps us ready before a crisis comes. God prepares us ahead of time through His Word, His Spirit and prayer.
(1 Thes.5:17; 2 Tim 2:21; 1 Peter 1:13; Ps. 5:3; Heb 11:7; 2 Tim. 4:2; 1 Cor.14:8; Deut. 31:8)
Are you ready?

Reach the World
Partner with us to prepare God's people through Word-based prayer. #Pray4theWorld reaches people from all nations by using the media and continuously adding new translations.
You are receiving your #Pray4theWorld material for free. A small donation, however, makes it possible for others to receive it too.
A donation of $1 can reach 3,000 people
...$5 can reach 15,000 people
...$10 can reach 30,000 people
...$50 can reach 150,000 people
and so forth.